Palisades Neuropsychology
Privacy Practices

Last modified: 11/26/2024

Palisades Neuropsychology manages and protects your Protected Health Information (PHI) under HIPAA and California laws. It explains how PHI may be used and shared, your rights regarding this information, and how complaints or concerns can be addressed. PHI encompasses a wide range of sensitive medical and psychological data, including treatment details, diagnoses, and records.

The Notice of Privacy Practices ensures that your medical and psychological information is handled responsibly and confidentially. It provides details on the types of PHI collected, its uses for treatment, payment, and operations, and your rights to control and access this information. For any concerns,patients can file written complaints without penalty, ensuring transparency and accountability in the handling of sensitive health data.

Privacy Obligations: Palisades Neuropsychology must ensure the confidentiality of PHI, provide notice of privacy practices, and follow current privacy laws.

Permitted Uses of PHI:

  • Provide Services: To process transactions, deliver products, and provide customer support.
  • Treatment: Sharing PHI with professionals involved in your or your child's care.
  • Payment: Disclosing PHI to bill insurers or third parties. We may share your information with third parties who perform services on our behalf, such as payment processing.
  • Operations: Using PHI for quality improvement and operations (e.g., compiling data for service evaluation)
  • Communications: PHI may be used for appointment reminders, to send you promotional emails, updates, and other relevant information.
  • Legal Disclosures: PHI may be shared when required by law, such as for public health reporting, law enforcement purposes, or lawsuits.
  • Special Situations: PHI can be disclosed for military requirements, worker’s compensation, national security, or correctional institution needs.

Your Rights:

  • Inspect & Copy: Request access to your or your child’s PHI.
  • Amendments: Request corrections to your PHI.
  • Accounting of Disclosures: Obtain a record of PHI disclosures outside of treatment or operations.
  • Restrictions: Request limits on PHI disclosures.
  • Confidential Communication: Choose how and where to receive communication about your PHI.
  • Paper Copy: Always entitled to a paper version of this notice.

Changes to Notice: Any updates to privacy practices will apply to existing and future PHI.

Complaints: File complaints about privacy concerns directly with the office or the Department of Health and Human Services without fear of retaliation.

Other Uses: Any non-standard use of PHI requires your written consent, which can be revoked at any time.

To inquire or provide feedback about the privacy policy or related practices, you are encouraged to contact us directly at: or call (310) 507 - 0631.